November 28, 2019

Why ‘pet nups’ are helping to prevent tails of woe in divorce

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November 21, 2019

Ant reported to want mediation to avoid a court divorce – how does this work?

October 31, 2019

I’m getting divorced and want to avoid court – how can an Arbitrator help?

October 23, 2019

Jones Myers marks further expansion to meet growing demand

October 10, 2019

Jones Myers ‘exemplary professional standards’ praised in prestigious legal guide

September 30, 2019

Jones Myers reputation for excellence acknowledged in top tier ranking

September 26, 2019

Why solutions – not strife – are the way forward when ending married life

September 17, 2019

‘To have, hold and protect’ – without tying the knot

September 5, 2019

What’s the solution when pre-nups prove unpalatable?

August 29, 2019

Jones Myers founder calls on family law firms to demonstrate excellence

August 22, 2019

Why the emotional impact of divorce can be the most costly

August 8, 2019

Jones Myers further expands expertise of Children’s Department

July 29, 2019

What the Jeff Bezos case reveals about social media and divorce

July 22, 2019

The importance of preserving privacy in divorce

July 4, 2019

Divorce in farming communities: how to protect assets for future generations

June 27, 2019

Jones Myers ranked in UK’s top family law firms for second consecutive year

June 18, 2019

Expansion to York and new team marks Jones Myers latest milestone