June 14, 2018

Angelina’s child care reports highlight importance of getting on with your ex

By Kate Banerjee, head of the Children Department Reports that Angelina Jolie may lose her role as primary carer of her six children unless she improves her relationship with Brad Pitt reinforce how vital it is to get on with your ex. It’s claimed that Angelina’s involvement in their sons and daughters lives could be […]

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Articles relating to Children Matters

June 8, 2018

Offshore trusts, new trends and referees – meet our in-house barrister, Andrew Fox

June 1, 2018

Would ‘no fault’ divorce help children caught in the crossfire to stay on track?

May 24, 2018

Sharing the caring: Getting the best result for the child when parents separate

May 17, 2018

Why Independent Domestic Abuse Services is our adopted charity

April 5, 2018

Divorce and Finances:Don’t leave your financial settlement to chance – how to avoid it being rejected

March 9, 2018

Why dad’s double life spells long-term distress for the teenagers involved

February 6, 2018

‘Grandma we love you’: The vital role of grandparents during divorce

January 12, 2018

My divorce is inevitable – what steps do I need to take?

December 19, 2017

Protection needed for cohabiting couples – more of your questions answered

December 15, 2017

Five steps to reduce seasonal stress and keep relationships on track

October 19, 2017

Jones Myers in the media spotlight as we further expand our children’s law expertise

October 6, 2017

Dr Foster: a stark reminder why children should never be pawns in parents’ battles

August 31, 2017

Tell-tale signs and tips to help prevent your child being abducted

August 18, 2017

Why the dinosaurs’ days are numbered in the current child support system

August 4, 2017

Should all judges compile a ‘Dear Sam’ letter when putting children’s interests first?

July 28, 2017

A formula for cohabiting couples to protect their finances