January 20, 2017

How tom avoid a Johnny Depp-style public divorce

As the media continues to dissect every minute detail of the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard divorce, stories reported include claims that Johnny Depp deliberately delayed proceedings. In our vast experience, UK divorces are rarely purposely prolonged once agreement is reached, with most people understandably seeking to avoid extending what may have been a protracted and emotionally […]

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Articles relating to Collaborative Family Law

October 27, 2016

Why its important to build bridges – not barriers – in divorce

October 6, 2016

Collaboration, consideration and co-operation – the benefits of collaborative family law

September 28, 2016

Media frenzy over ‘Brangelina’ divorce: how to guarantee your privacy

September 1, 2016

Why ‘meal ticket divorces’are not palatable in every case

November 20, 2015

Why jaw-jaw is always better than war-war

November 28, 2014

How collaborative lawyers can help put children first

September 10, 2014

Our collaborative family law expert presents at high profile conference

August 29, 2014

Why separating couples should opt for collaborative lawyers

March 28, 2014

Conscious Uncoupling – a sensible attitude to divorce?

March 15, 2014

Countdown to new family laws: the Children and Families Bill

May 24, 2013

Love and Marriage – a wakeup call to stay together forever, says leading lady

October 12, 2012

Why hostage negotiation techniques can help in divorce

September 28, 2012

Court out? Weighing up the options

August 10, 2012

5 ways to divorce – what are the options?

June 15, 2012

How to resolve relationship challenges in a civilised manner

April 13, 2012

All you need to know about family law arbitration