July 15, 2015

Why Appeal Court awarded ex wife the family estate

By Peter Jones, founder and partner  The Court of Appeal’s decision to order 46 year old anaesthetist, Dr Essam Aly, to pay his ex-wife Enas every penny of the family’s entire £550k estate has been described as an extraordinary departure from equality.

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Articles relating to Divorce and Separation

June 26, 2015

All you need to know about post-nups

June 19, 2015

What is the financial cost of international divorce?

June 5, 2015

How dads can cope with being alone on Father’s Day

June 1, 2015

Why men only divorce firms can backfire when children are involved

May 22, 2015

Advice to the Bercows: avoid divorcing under media spotlight to protect your children

May 13, 2015

Seven successful steps to a ‘good’ divorce

May 1, 2015

Do you think divorced parents should toughen up on teens?

April 24, 2015

Will pension reforms ease the burden for silver separators?

April 13, 2015

Is fault free divorce in everyone’s best interests?

April 2, 2015

Why £2m divorce battle puts post-nups in spotlight

March 27, 2015

No ‘meal ticket’ – making a fair deal palatable in spousal maintenance

March 20, 2015

Why reforming family financial orders is overdue

March 13, 2015

Rags to riches – delayed divorce payout ruling is cautionary tale

March 6, 2015

How to understand and manage the divorce process

March 2, 2015

Why we want protection for cohabiting couples

February 19, 2015

How to avoid divorce damaging children’s GCSE chances