October 1, 2018

Together yet apart: How separating couples can achieve a dignified divorce

By Norman Taylor, collaborative family lawyer The prospect of divorce can be overwhelming, exhausting and frightening. In our experience, most couples who’ve decided there is no going back, want to avoid a costly and stressful courtroom battle over the division of their assets and ensure the best interests of their children. Even though their relationship […]

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Articles relating to Divorce and Separation

September 27, 2018

Divorce figures down but more cohabitants breaking up: the real story behind the statistics

September 13, 2018

What the demise of the ‘blame game’ would mean for divorcing couples

September 6, 2018

How empty nesters can avoid becoming another divorce statistic

August 8, 2018

Jones Myers case assists Supreme Court judges’ maintenance ruling

July 27, 2018

I’m unhappily married like Tini Owens – does this mean I can’t get divorced?

July 23, 2018

Taking the plunge, nerve racking injunctions and promoting best practice – meet our founder, Peter Jones

July 13, 2018

How to plan for your future and resolve your past

July 5, 2018

I’m getting divorced and dread telling everyone – how do I approach it?

June 28, 2018

Steps to overcome the fear of loneliness when divorcing

June 22, 2018

Grandparent’s rights campaign reflects their vital role in children’s lives

June 14, 2018

Angelina’s child care reports highlight importance of getting on with your ex

June 8, 2018

Offshore trusts, new trends and referees – meet our in-house barrister, Andrew Fox

June 1, 2018

Would ‘no fault’ divorce help children caught in the crossfire to stay on track?

May 24, 2018

Sharing the caring: Getting the best result for the child when parents separate

April 24, 2018

My ex is ignoring a Financial Consent Order – what can I do?

April 17, 2018

Meal ticket divorce ruling provides food for thought over maintenance deals