April 5, 2018

Divorce and Finances:Don’t leave your financial settlement to chance – how to avoid it being rejected

Our latest blog on The Divorce Magazine puts the spotlight on how to avoid a financial settlement being rejected. Below is the article in full. Separating or getting a divorce [Splitting up] from a partner can be an emotional roller coaster and planning your future finances may be the last thing you feel like doing. […]

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Articles relating to Assets

March 7, 2018

Hidden assets case highlights that not even lawyers are above the law

March 2, 2018

Debunking myths about unmarried couples and pension rights should one partner die

November 20, 2017

Cohabitation: your key questions answered  

August 18, 2017

Why the dinosaurs’ days are numbered in the current child support system

August 10, 2017

We’re marking further expansion with a new office in Harrogate

July 6, 2017

Steps to take if your ex won’t provide details of the Cash Equivalent Transfer Value of a pension

May 5, 2017

Why pre-nups enable openness and transparency to blossom

March 3, 2017

Energy trader’s divorce reignites fair settlements debate

April 22, 2016

How to ensure your business survives your divorce

April 15, 2016

Why judges’ pre-nups guidelines need putting into context

March 18, 2016

What do Decree Nisi and Decree absolute mean in divorce proceedings?

December 10, 2015

Post-nup – just the job for ‘working girl’ and ex

September 11, 2015

Divorce and the downside of procrastination

June 19, 2015

What is the financial cost of international divorce?

April 24, 2015

Will pension reforms ease the burden for silver separators?

September 19, 2014

Can my ex claim my inheritance? Four key questions answered