March 6, 2015

How to understand and manage the divorce process

The breakdown of a marriage is one of life’s most stressful events and one that few people take lightly. It often entails separating couples – who feel at their most vulnerable – embarking on a life changing journey.

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Articles relating to Children

March 2, 2015

Why we want protection for cohabiting couples

February 19, 2015

How to avoid divorce damaging children’s GCSE chances

February 6, 2015

Dealing with divorce – when mother doesn’t always know best

January 28, 2015

Contact centre closures leave parents and children in cold

December 22, 2014

How to share Christmas: family solicitor and author Helen Victoria Bishop

November 28, 2014

How collaborative lawyers can help put children first

November 14, 2014

Why cohabiting couples should make a will

October 10, 2014

Why parents are turning their backs on new Child Maintenance Service

September 12, 2014

The one question everyone wonders, but nobody asks

August 29, 2014

Why separating couples should opt for collaborative lawyers

August 27, 2014

Should you stay friends with your ex post divorce?

August 15, 2014

Caught in the parent trap: can divorce ever be the best outcome for children?

June 20, 2014

Why psychologist’s child damage claims are unhelfpul

June 13, 2014

I am divorced – can I take my kids abroad to live?

June 6, 2014

The haves and have nots following Legal Aid cuts

May 30, 2014

Mental health concerns for children caught in the middle of divorce