January 25, 2013

Media coverage intensifies in global search for abducted Elsa

The expertise of Kate Banerjee, head of our children’s department at Jones Myers LLP, is being called on by the regional and national media in our concerted campaign to support the heartfelt plea of our client Naomi Button, who is appealing for the return of her five year old daughter Elsa who was abducted by […]

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Articles relating to Family Law

January 18, 2013

How to inspire and support children through parent separation and divorce

January 11, 2013

Is the thirty-year itch becoming the new seven-year itch?

January 11, 2013

Our children’s expert discusses new parenting laws on BBC sofa

December 28, 2012

Why Legal Aid demise is bad news for divorce

December 21, 2012

How separated parents can maintain the magic at Christmas

December 14, 2012

How grandparents can bring festive cheer to divorce gloom

December 7, 2012

Making children’s festive season memorable for the right reasons

November 30, 2012

Are we really committed to children’s best interests?

November 23, 2012

Why new proposals would further widen the parenting skills’ gap

November 16, 2012

Fantastic Fiona wins Women in Business accolade

November 9, 2012

Sarah ‘hits the wall’ to raise £6k for Alzheimer’s

November 2, 2012

Top of the tree once more!

October 26, 2012

International child custody: self help more harm than good

October 19, 2012

Why children should be seen AND heard

October 12, 2012

Why hostage negotiation techniques can help in divorce

October 5, 2012

Why Army redundancies are a double blow for families