May 12, 2017

How to approach the thorny issue of pensions when divorcing

Jones Myers advises on pensions when divorcing

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Articles relating to Finances

April 21, 2017

‘Bird’s nest custody’ can be a soaring success – but beware of the pitfalls

March 3, 2017

Energy trader’s divorce reignites fair settlements debate

February 6, 2017

Rover’s Return landlords explosive split: how to safeguard a family business

October 21, 2016

What if?… How to prevent long-lasting divorce regrets

November 11, 2015

Worthwhile or waste of time? – The Government’s new guide for divorcing couples

March 27, 2015

No ‘meal ticket’ – making a fair deal palatable in spousal maintenance

March 20, 2015

Why reforming family financial orders is overdue

March 6, 2015

How to understand and manage the divorce process

January 16, 2015

Are pension reforms to fund silver divorces hype’?

November 14, 2014

Why cohabiting couples should make a will

August 20, 2014

How childcare, shopping, holidays ramp up divorce costs

May 16, 2014

How prenups can help couples protect their assets

April 25, 2014

Changes to the family courts – will they boost mediation rates?

February 28, 2014

Why proposed new pre-nup laws are only for the wealthy

February 21, 2014

Will divorce the Scottish way herald the way forward for England and Wales?

May 10, 2013

The downside of living separate lives under one roof