November 14, 2014

Why cohabiting couples should make a will

More than one million cohabiting couples will inherit nothing if their partner dies without a will and has dependent children. This stark warning from The Law Society serves as timely reminder of the vulnerability of the 5.9 million couples who live together.

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Articles relating to Jones Myers LLP

November 7, 2014

Government shelves taxing the vulnerable on divorce – for the time being?

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Jones Myers ‘Professional excellence’ praised in Legal Guide

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Jumping into a new relationship? Beware it may affect your divorce settlement

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Can my ex claim my inheritance? Four key questions answered

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Recession causes more relationship breakdowns

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Our collaborative family law expert presents at high profile conference

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Five ways to fund your divorce

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Why separating couples should opt for collaborative lawyers

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Caught in the parent trap: can divorce ever be the best outcome for children?

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What to do when your ex stops child maintenance

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The haves and have nots following Legal Aid cuts

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How prenups can help couples protect their assets

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People power – the ultimate weapon against child abduction?

February 21, 2014

Will divorce the Scottish way herald the way forward for England and Wales?

November 8, 2013

Back to basics: taking the first steps to divorce

August 2, 2013

Why Jones Myers is leading the way in family law