October 21, 2011

Protecting the vulnerable from tempestuous relationships

A recent case of ours involving a vulnerable pensioner – who faces the choice of living out the rest of her days in an emotionally turbulent relationship – reinforces the urgency for legislation to protect co-habiting couples. In this particular instance the lady in question has put on a brave face and contended with a […]

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Articles relating to Jones Myers

October 14, 2011

How collaborative law is lighting up the North

October 7, 2011

Hidden cost of divorce for over-50s revealed

September 30, 2011

All you need is love – and a pre-nup!

September 23, 2011

Divorce: why children’s interests should always come first

September 12, 2011

Forcing the issue – mediation under survey spotlight

September 2, 2011

For richer, for poorer – separation in a recession

August 26, 2011

How to avoid divorce being a ‘heavy’ price to pay

August 19, 2011

When it gets too hot for “co-preneurs”

August 5, 2011

An alternative to the trauma of court divorce

July 22, 2011

Is divorce at 40-year low due to financial reasons?

July 8, 2011

International parental abduction back in spotlight this summer

June 10, 2011

How collaboration avoids aggravation in the summer holidays

June 3, 2011

Would you opt for a Japanese style divorce?

May 27, 2011

We didn’t make a splash – but we didn’t sink either!

May 13, 2011

Why congratulations is in order!