October 6, 2017

Dr Foster: a stark reminder why children should never be pawns in parents’ battles

Why children should never be pawns in parents’ divorce battles

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Articles relating to Separation

August 25, 2017

Why naming and shaming adulterers is a great leap backwards

August 18, 2017

Why the dinosaurs’ days are numbered in the current child support system

August 10, 2017

We’re marking further expansion with a new office in Harrogate

July 28, 2017

A formula for cohabiting couples to protect their finances

July 21, 2017

More child maintenance loopholes reinforce why family courts should rule on payments

May 26, 2017

Why it’s vital to protect children from the heat of divorce

May 12, 2017

How to approach the thorny issue of pensions when divorcing

May 5, 2017

Why pre-nups enable openness and transparency to blossom

April 21, 2017

‘Bird’s nest custody’ can be a soaring success – but beware of the pitfalls

April 10, 2017

How divorced parents can make Easter memorable for the right reasons

February 24, 2017

For the children: keeping the focus on family post-divorce

February 17, 2017

Why the Tini Owens Appeal Court case adds fuel to ‘no-fault’ divorce campaign

February 10, 2017

A Four-step formula to reduce half-term friction

January 27, 2017

I’ve heard representing myself in court could be more costly?

January 20, 2017

How tom avoid a Johnny Depp-style public divorce

January 5, 2017

How To Plan For a ‘New Year, New You’ Post-Divorce